I got another spell for all of you guys who just wanna be mermaids/merman!!!!!!!!!
Here it is:
Go to somewhere with a water [you can be in a full body or your hand can be in a cup of water,your choice]and it has to be a full moon.
Go in the water and say “Kalifee”.You can choose your power [Freezing,morphing water,boiling,or all 3]but if you try it with multiple people,just say it in a row.The first who says it get’s the power to freeze water,the second morphing,the third boiling,and the fourth all three.In one day you will become a mermaid,or man.You’ll be like the mermaids off of H2O Just Add Water,with the orange-brown tails.And you’ll only be a mermaid/man if after 16 seconds you touch water.You can use your power whenever you want,even the weather powers!If you got Freezing you get snow,if you got morphing you got wind,and if you got boiling you got lightning and fire. I didn't try it yet but MOST IMPORTANTLY DO IT ON A FULL MOON