Wednesday, May 5, 2010

When I'm older...

When I'm older I want my job to be at The Marine Mammal Center,if you never heard of it go online to marine mammal center. Type it just like that,and what the people do there is that they find and save sea animals that have been injured or orphaned. They rescue sea otters, northern fur seals, northern elephant seals, pacific harbor seals, harbor porpoise, humpback whales, California sea lions, Bottlenose dolphins and Steller Sea Lions. Thats why I want to have a job there. Helping animals is very important and you have to know a lot of marine biology for this job. I want to help all these beautiful animals :-)

With lots of love,


Marlene said...

I am very proud of you Chloe. I will do everything I can to help you achieve your goal. I'm glad my love for animals and nature rubbed off on you. I can forgive you your strange liking of roaches and rats ;-) When you do go off to become a Marine Biologist, I'll go with you to volunteer <3

P.S. The video really did almost make me cry!

Melissa (Melgurl) said...

I hope you do become a Marine Mammal person.


Jo Ann said...

That is a wonderful ambition to have. You can do a lot of good for the environment and nature. Thank you for thinking ahead like that.

Angel said...

That would be very noble profession. Good luck in your endeavor.

Homeschooled Kid said...

thanks :)did the video make you cry like my mom :)the whole movie made me feel bad about the seals,because i'm a kid and kids don't get jobs, and I could really help the poor animals :( I cant' wait until I'm old enough to help.

With lots of cuteness,

P.S Did you visit the website?

P.S.S You can adopt :0

Sky said...

Um, yeah Chloe... WILL YOU PLEASE BECOME MY FOLLOWER! I would be so grateful!!!