Sunday, May 23, 2010

Come and Get It!!!

Tonight made dinner for my mom and brother. I learned to make this Napa Soup at Betty's house. Betty brought the Napa to us today and so it was my chance to make it. The picture above is me putting in the spam I cut up. Mom was sitting at the computer taking pictures of me while I cooked dinner by myself. She probably thought my hair was going to catch fire!
Here are the ingredients:

Napa Cabbage
Soup Noodles
Seasonings ( I used some adobo, and some sofrito)
Stock (but I used some ham cube season)
2 dashes of Soy Sauce
* you can use whatever seasonings you like for your soups.

I was really excited about everyone tasting it. I wanted the soup to hurry up and boil. It finally did.
When we sat down to eat... EVERYON LOVED IT!!!! Kai only had 1 bowl (he never eats a lot, but he always complains he's hungry 100 times a day!) Mom had 2 big bowls and I did too. Now my mom has to clean up the kitchen while I kick back and relax :-)

If you make this recipe make sure you tell me how you like it.

A Winning Day!!!!!

Yesterday was my last Track meet. Before we started our team received trophies for 1st place and 5th place team over all. And our team also won 2nd place for our time records. I usually don't like Track, because I haven't won a medal. But this time I did.

My team and coach.

In this picture I am the one in orange in the 4th lane. I came in second for the 50 meter dash. And was able to run in the finals. So I ran twice! In that race I came in 3rd. I was super excited that I finally one. My coach said I was the first girl on his team to be able to get into the finals!!

This is ECSTATIC me!! Finally with a medal.