Saturday, May 29, 2010


Hello- Yesterday was my friend E's birthday. She had her birthday at the Vander Ende-Onderdonk House. There were so many butterflies of all colors, and there was a rock that was the original marker separating Brooklyn and Queens. There were many Crab Apple trees and a huge Cherry Tree too. If you are on the right of the rock, you are in Queens, how cool is that?! Her mom made a Red Velvet Cake it was fantastic! We got a tour and played a lot of games. I missed swimming, but this was fun too.

I am still confused about what I want to do for my birthday. This place is another cool thing to add to my list. They are having a strawberry festival next month, I can't wait to go!!

And my mom and E's mom are going to set something up so we can volunteer here. I would like to help out cleaning or helping give tours.
Me & the Crab Apples:
Me wearing wooden shoes. They were heavy.

Us singing Happy Birthday to E.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dinosaur? Bird? Dinosaur?Bird?

Today my Mom, Kai and I, were watching a bird documentary. It included the history of how birds came to be and from the dinosaur age, they were talking about a dinosaur called "Archaeopteryx." They were the first "dinosaur birds."
This is a photo of the fossil of the Archaeopteryx. It was found in Germany in 1891. This is a cool dinosaur and a great discovery!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Come and Get It!!!

Tonight made dinner for my mom and brother. I learned to make this Napa Soup at Betty's house. Betty brought the Napa to us today and so it was my chance to make it. The picture above is me putting in the spam I cut up. Mom was sitting at the computer taking pictures of me while I cooked dinner by myself. She probably thought my hair was going to catch fire!
Here are the ingredients:

Napa Cabbage
Soup Noodles
Seasonings ( I used some adobo, and some sofrito)
Stock (but I used some ham cube season)
2 dashes of Soy Sauce
* you can use whatever seasonings you like for your soups.

I was really excited about everyone tasting it. I wanted the soup to hurry up and boil. It finally did.
When we sat down to eat... EVERYON LOVED IT!!!! Kai only had 1 bowl (he never eats a lot, but he always complains he's hungry 100 times a day!) Mom had 2 big bowls and I did too. Now my mom has to clean up the kitchen while I kick back and relax :-)

If you make this recipe make sure you tell me how you like it.

A Winning Day!!!!!

Yesterday was my last Track meet. Before we started our team received trophies for 1st place and 5th place team over all. And our team also won 2nd place for our time records. I usually don't like Track, because I haven't won a medal. But this time I did.

My team and coach.

In this picture I am the one in orange in the 4th lane. I came in second for the 50 meter dash. And was able to run in the finals. So I ran twice! In that race I came in 3rd. I was super excited that I finally one. My coach said I was the first girl on his team to be able to get into the finals!!

This is ECSTATIC me!! Finally with a medal.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Romeo and Juliet:Sealed with a Kiss

I drew this because I love seals. And I love the movie "Romeo & Juliet: Sealed With a Kiss" If you like Shakespeare and seals, you will love this movie. That characters are adorable and it's really cute to see them act like Romeo and Juliet.

I hope I can work saving these adorable animals in a few more years. I've watched a cool show that shows how they care for rescued seals. The job is pretty dirty, but it is an exciting job because you get to take care of defenseless marine animals. I hope you like my drawing :-} My mom let me stay up to finish it.

Atlantis Vacation

On August 23rd is my Birthday, that is in 3 more months. On August 22 I am leaving to Atlantis! So if I leave the 22th I will wake up there on my birthday so I know it not a dream, and why I want to go there you say? Because I LOVE to SWIM :-] There's water slides day care and many if you want to come bring your kids so the adults can party while your kids are in day care making crafts and playing with other kids around the world!!!

Here is the link When you enter the website the screen will show Bahamas on the left and somthing else on the right click Bahamas and book your vacations. Have fun! :-]

P.S last week to book your vacations!! so if you want to come with me post whatever and at the end wirte "I'm there" so I can know that you are coming :-]

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Reading Day :- ]

Two days ago my Mom ordered me a book from the name of the book is "The Girl From Atlantis" By Richard Schenkman, it is about a girl named Athena Crowly. She lives on Paradise Island in the Bahamas with her mother and father. Athena is able to communicate with sea animals and becomes friends with an old sea turtle, she asks the sea turtle to take her to Atlantis. I received the book today and read the whole thirty chapters!! I am so grateful to my mom for getting me this book :] Maybe she'll some more mermaid books.

I really loved this book because it is about a girl like me living in the Bahamas. That is my dream. I wish I could pack up and go now, but I have to wait until I am older. I hope to visit again on my birthday. I love the turquoise blue water and the warm sun. It's summer all year round and totally surrounded by water and beautiful see creatures. It is paradise!

Here is a link to the author's website:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Guten Tag!!

This is a map of Germany, it is in eastern Europe. It is a large country. My friend Melissa has family that is originally from there. She is now my German teacher.

This is me on Power Speak
This is Kai and me practicing our "ch" sounds. It sounds like we're spitting.
Guten Tag, people I know how to count to 12 in GERMAN! :-]: Eins(1), Zwei(2), Drei(3), Vier(4), Funf(5), Sechs(6), Sieben(7), Acht(8), Neun(9), Zehn(10), Elf(11), Zwolf(12). I am so proud of myself :-] Thank you so much Melissa for being a good friend, teacher and German partner.
P.S. Melgirl I wrote all my German words in a book :-]

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Today we went to Sports Authority. Kai bought a fishing pole because he is going camping,and he will be fishing. I got to buy a baseball bat and ball,I didin't get a mitt because my mom said that they are too expensive. The style of bat is: wood, Louisville Slugger :)

With lots of homeruns,

P.S Later on a I am going to play ball you are invited :)

An Aquarium is an Adventure

Touching the Jellyfish.
Habor Seals. We watched their feeding session, they are very smart!
Shark Ray.

On Thursday my Mom, Dad, Kai and I went to Adventure Aquarium in NJ. It was a long drive but it was worth it, we saw hippos, birds, jellyfish, piranhas, sharks of all kind, seals, sea turtles and countless other animals.We got to touch sharks, jellyfish and stingrays, starfish, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers. Before we left Adventure Aquarium we went to the gift shop, Kai bought bag filled with sea animal toys, I bought a seal :-]
With lots of adventure,

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The All-American Girls Professional Baseball League

In 1942, America was at war in World War II every man had to go to war so the mens Baseball teams had to go to war so there was no baseball. Phillip Wrigley was worried about the baseball fields and stadiums deteriorating so his committee came up with the idea of a Girls Professional Baseball League.

It took some time for people to get used to the idea, some people believed it was certainly NOT lady like. And others thought girls could NOT play baseball. The girls on the teams proved everyone wrong! They went to charm school to show the country how ladylike baseball can be. And when they practiced baseball they practiced just as hard as the men, but 50% better.

The League lasted longer than they imagined, all the way to 1954!!! Their playing was indescribable! They were amazing women who knew how to play and played hard even in a SKIRT!

This picture is one of the the original teams : The Rockford Peaches

These women make me proud to be a girl!

If you want to read more about these baseball players here is the site:


Batter up! Hear that call!
The time has come for one and all
To play ball.

We are the members of the All-American League
We come from cities near and far
We’ve got Canadians, Irishmen and Swedes,
We’re all for one, we’re one for all
We’re all Americans!!

Each girl stands, her head so proudly high,
Her motto ‘Do or Die’
She’s not the one to use or need an alibi.

Our chaperones are not too soft,
They’re not too tough,
Our managers are on the ball.
We’ve got a president who really knows his stuff,
We’re all for one, we’re one for all,
We’re All-Americans!

With lots of homeruns,

P.S There's NO crying in baseball!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ooodle & Ooodles of Noodles!!!

Today Jo Ann, Melgirl, Beast, Chardmen, Kai, Betty, my mom and I went to a Chinese

restaurant today. Kai and I shared Beef Mein(Beef Soup)in the BIGGEST chinese bowl we ever

saw! Insted of it tasting like soup it tasted a little like dough(It was made out of dough). It was

scrumptous and we also had fried pork dumplings, these were delicious too. After that we went

to a nearby park,we played for a looooong time we forgot what time it was. If you want to go to

that awesome restaurant, ask Mother Beast. Thanks Betty for inviting us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And

picking us up :-] And THANK YOU SO MUCH for my new friend Socksie, I will take care of her

and keep her forever :-}


With lots of Mein,

Friday, May 7, 2010

Fun Fridays!!

On Fridays, Kai and I go to our swimming class. I love to swim, in fact I taught myself how to swim under water. I go to the YMCA for our homeschoolers swimming class. I love to swim, I swim as fast as a MERMAID and I can hold my breath for minutes. Later on around sunset we go to Awana :-] Awana means:Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed. It is a bible study class and we have a fun time there. It is important for children to learn about God and have fun at the same time. I've been memorizing different bible verses and I'm doing very well.

With lots of fun and prayer,

P.S If you don't know how to swim under water I am glad to help :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mermaids and Mermen

Do you beleve in mermaids? Well I do They are so beautiful,and so strong thats why I want to become a mermaid.I have figurines of different mermaids.when I become a mermaid I would look like this :Brown long curly hair,a big turquoise blue tale and fin,an power to control water(ex:making it float in air and shaping it).And i'd be able to find treasure is sunken ships and be able to hold my breath for 30 mins. Thats why I want to become a mermaid.*ASSIGNNENT* draw a mermaid/merman that YOU would look like and draw backround and your mermaid or merman name O.K :-]

With lots of treasure,
Chloe :-]

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

When I'm older...

When I'm older I want my job to be at The Marine Mammal Center,if you never heard of it go online to marine mammal center. Type it just like that,and what the people do there is that they find and save sea animals that have been injured or orphaned. They rescue sea otters, northern fur seals, northern elephant seals, pacific harbor seals, harbor porpoise, humpback whales, California sea lions, Bottlenose dolphins and Steller Sea Lions. Thats why I want to have a job there. Helping animals is very important and you have to know a lot of marine biology for this job. I want to help all these beautiful animals :-)

With lots of love,

Monday, May 3, 2010

Rats!! Rats and more rats

My mom is a Rat chicken !! :-] My mom, brother and I are watching an episode of Dirty Jobs and the camera crew got a shot of rats and roaches.My mom said she was going to puke! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

With lots of squeaks,


My Fave sports are Baseball,Scoccer and Swimming. But my ABSOLUTELY FAVORITE sport Is....................... BASEBALL!!!! I like it soooooooooooooooooo much, I asked my mom if I can do it next spring and she said YES!!! : -].Jo Ann call my mom if there is an opening in Richards baseball team : -] Thanks!

With lots of Home Runs,

P.S my second fave sport is swimming ;-]

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ode to a Waterbug by Jo Anne Dagis Samide

Ode to a Waterbug: Oh foul noxious creature with diverse segmented body, you cause my very skin to crawl and my bowels to heave. Are you a denizen of the innermost circle of Dante's hell, or resident of the fair borough of Brooklyn?

My magistra is a great writer!

Staying in today!!!!!!

I had a busy few days and don't want to move from this place. I want to lay on the couch eating ice cream and watch a cartoon since I can't be at a pool!!!!!

What have I been up to?? Well, here it is!
Our friends picked us up early in the morning to go to Philadephia. We went to the Insectarium and to Ringing Rocks Park. This day was one of the best days we've had!!!

We learned about different insects and arachnids. And saw a display kitchen full of regular cockroaches (German Cockroaches) and waterbugs (Oriental Cockroaches). I got to eat a worm larvae which didn't taste bad, but I've eaten a Firefly before so I'm not scared of that stuff. My mom tried the worm larvae and almost VOMITED RIGHT THERE!!!! My brother did not want to try it, and was worried about the spiders, he is arachnaphobic. We were able to hold the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach which wasn't a big deal since we've held them before. My favorite part of the tour was mounting our own butterflies!!

All of us kids played and had so much fun. Most of them are my friends and we always have a good time when we're together.

Some of us went to Ringing Rock park after the Insectarium. We hit the rocks with hammers and some of them ring. It is a big mystery why they ring.Some people say it's because some of the rocks have a lot of iron in them so they are almost like metal. People also say that if you take a ringing rock out of the park, it will no longer ring.
Our moms climbed some rocks, but us kids went around the whole park!!! I felt like an explorer on an expedition, I felt like Sacajawea and the boys were Lewis and Clark :-) We had so much fun exploring on our own. My friend Ethan has been there before and kept us safe.

Rotten Saturday!!!:
Was a little rotten. I had my track meet and didn't get a medal. I just barely made the longest jump mark :( We have another meet next wekend. I don't know which area I want to compete in.

It is sweltering outside, I want to be in a pool!!!!! Since I can't do that I will sit still on the couch eating ice cream and watching a cartoon. PLEEEEEEEESE MOM???? <3